Crystals Meanings: 6 Crystals for Physical Health, Anxiety, Protection, Love, Wealth, and Luck


Mar 02, 2023

Crystals Meanings: 6 Crystals for Physical Health, Anxiety, Protection, Love, Wealth, and Luck

Table of Contents

What are Crystals?

Crystals are solid materials that have a regular, repeating pattern of atoms, ions, or molecules in three dimensions. This means that the atoms or molecules are arranged in a highly ordered and symmetrical manner, resulting in the characteristic shape of a crystal.

Crystals can form in a variety of sizes and shapes, from microscopic structures to massive mineral deposits. Some examples of crystals include quartz, diamond, salt, and snowflakes.

Crystals are used in a wide range of applications, from jewelry and decorative objects to electronic devices and industrial materials. They are also valued for their metaphysical properties and are used in spiritual and healing practices.

History of Crystals

The history of crystals can be traced back to ancient civilizations, where crystals were revered for their beauty and believed to possess mystical and healing properties. Here are some significant events and milestones in the history of crystals:

  • Ancient civilizations: Crystals were used by ancient civilizations, including the Egyptians, Greeks, and Romans, for various purposes, such as jewelry, amulets, and healing.
  • Middle Ages: During the Middle Ages, crystals were believed to possess magical powers and were used in various rituals and ceremonies.
  • Renaissance: The Renaissance saw an increased interest in the scientific properties of crystals, with scientists like Robert Boyle and Johannes Kepler studying crystal structures and properties.
  • 18th century: The study of crystals advanced with the development of new technologies such as polarized light microscopy and X-ray diffraction.
  • 19th century: The use of crystals in healing and spiritual practices became more widespread, with the development of crystal healing and the use of crystals in meditation and other spiritual practices.
  • 20th century: The use of crystals continued to expand, with new discoveries in crystal structures and properties, and the development of new technologies such as crystal radios and lasers.

Today, crystals continue to be valued for their beauty, scientific properties, and metaphysical properties, and are used in a wide range of applications, from jewelry and decorative objects to electronics and medical devices.

Classes or Types of Crystals

There are seven crystal classes, also known as crystal systems, which are grouped based on their symmetry and geometric properties. The seven crystal classes are:

1. Cubic (Isometric): Crystals in this class have three axes of equal length that intersect at right angles. Examples of cubic crystals include diamond, garnet, and fluorite.

2. Tetragonal: Crystals in this class have three axes, two of which are equal in length and intersect at right angles, while the third axis is perpendicular to these two and is of a different length. Examples of tetragonal crystals include zircon and rutile.

3. Orthorhombic: Crystals in this class have three axes of different lengths that intersect at right angles. Examples of orthorhombic crystals include topaz, barite, and aragonite.

4. Monoclinic: Crystals in this class have three axes of different lengths, but only two of them intersect at right angles, while the third is oblique or inclined. Examples of monoclinic crystals include gypsum, feldspar, and clinopyroxene.

5. Triclinic: Crystals in this class have three axes of different lengths that are all oblique or inclined to each other. Examples of triclinic crystals include turquoise, labradorite, and microcline.

6. Hexagonal: Crystals in this class have four axes, three of which are equal in length and intersect at 60-degree angles in the same plane, while the fourth axis is perpendicular to this plane and of a different length. Examples of hexagonal crystals include quartz, calcite, and beryl.

7. Trigonal (Rhombohedral): Crystals in this class have three axes of equal length that intersect at 60-degree angles in the same plane, with a fourth axis perpendicular to this plane of a different length. Examples of trigonal crystals include corundum and tourmaline.

How many crystals are in the world?

It's difficult to estimate the exact number of crystals in the world because there are so many different types and variations. In nature, crystals can form in a wide range of environments and conditions, and there are likely many undiscovered or rare crystals that have yet to be identified.

In addition to naturally occurring crystals, there are also many synthetic and man-made crystals that are produced for various industrial, scientific, and decorative purposes.

Overall, it's safe to say that there are likely hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of different crystals in the world.

How Do Crystals Work?

The metaphysical belief is that crystals work by emitting vibrations and frequencies that interact with the energy systems of the human body and the environment. According to this belief, each crystal has its own unique vibrational frequency that resonates with different parts of the body and the energy centers, or chakras.

When a crystal is placed near or on the body, or in a certain environment, it is believed to interact with the energy fields and help to balance and harmonize the energy flow. This can lead to a variety of benefits, including physical, emotional, and spiritual healing, enhanced intuition and creativity, and a greater sense of well-being and inner peace.

Some believe that crystals can also help to amplify intentions and prayers, and that they can serve as powerful tools for manifestation and the creation of positive change in one's life.

Benefits of Crystals

Crystals are believed to have a wide range of benefits when used for healing and personal growth. Here are a few examples:

1. Promote physical healing: Many crystals are believed to have properties that can promote physical healing, such as reducing inflammation, improving circulation, and boosting the immune system.

2. Support emotional healing: Crystals are also believed to have properties that can support emotional healing, by promoting feelings of calm, relaxation, and inner peace, and helping to release negative emotions and patterns.

3. Enhance spiritual growth: Many people use crystals as a tool for enhancing their spiritual growth, by promoting a greater sense of connection to the divine, facilitating meditation and prayer, and supporting the development of intuition and psychic abilities.

4. Amplify intentions: Crystals are believed to have the ability to amplify intentions and prayers, helping to manifest positive change in one's life and promoting a greater sense of abundance and prosperity.

5. Enhance creativity and productivity: Many crystals are believed to have properties that can enhance creativity, productivity, and focus, making them popular tools for artists, writers, and other creative professionals.

6. Promote a sense of well-being: Above all, many people find that the use of crystals promotes a greater sense of well-being and inner peace, helping them to feel more grounded, centered, and connected to themselves and the world around them.

Many people use crystals to help in various areas of their lives to either enhance their wellbeing or intensify their intentions. Some common ways people use crystals include helping with physical healing, emotional healing or anxiety, protection, love, wealth, and good luck.

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Crystals for Physical Healing

There are many crystals believed to have properties that can promote physical healing. Here are a few examples:

1. Amethyst: is a popular crystal believed to have healing properties that can help to relieve physical pain, reduce inflammation, and promote restful sleep.

2. Clear quartz: is a versatile crystal believed to have properties that can help to heal a variety of physical ailments, including headaches, digestive issues, and respiratory problems.

3. Rose quartz: Rose quartz is a gentle crystal believed to have healing properties that can promote heart health, soothe skin irritations, and support the immune system.

4. Citrine: Citrine is a bright, sunny crystal believed to have healing properties that can help to promote digestion, boost energy levels, and support the metabolism.

5. Turquoise: Turquoise is a striking blue-green crystal believed to have healing properties that can help to promote overall physical health and wellbeing, by supporting the immune system, reducing inflammation, and promoting relaxation.

6. Black tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a protective crystal believed to have healing properties that can help to relieve pain, reduce inflammation, and support the immune system.

Crystals for Anxiety

There are many crystals believed to have properties that can promote emotional healing and lessen anxiety. Here are a few examples:

1. Rose quartz: Rose quartz is a gentle crystal believed to have properties that can promote self-love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is often used to soothe anxiety, reduce stress, and promote feelings of calm and inner peace.

2. Amethyst: is a popular crystal believed to have properties that can promote emotional healing, by helping to release negative emotions and promote feelings of inner peace and spiritual growth.

3. Citrine: Citrine is a bright, sunny crystal believed to have properties that can promote self-confidence, creativity, and emotional healing. It is often used to promote feelings of joy and happiness, and to combat depression and anxiety.

4. Labradorite: Labradorite is a mesmerizing crystal believed to have properties that can promote emotional healing, by promoting feelings of self-confidence, inner strength, and spiritual growth. It is often used to combat negative thought patterns and promote positive change.

5. Blue lace agate: Blue lace agate is a soothing crystal believed to have properties that can promote emotional healing, by promoting feelings of calm, relaxation, and inner peace. It is often used to combat anxiety, stress, and nervousness.

6. Black tourmaline: Black tourmaline is a protective crystal believed to have properties that can promote emotional healing, by helping to release negative emotions and promote feelings of inner peace and strength.

Crystals for Protection

There are many crystals that are believed to have protective properties, and which can be used to promote feelings of safety and security. Here are a few examples:

1. Black Tourmaline: This powerful stone is said to absorb negative energy and promote grounding and balance, making it a popular choice for protection and purification.

2. Hematite: This metallic gray stone is believed to create a protective shield around the body, deflecting negative energy and promoting a sense of calm and stability.

3. Obsidian: This dark, reflective stone is believed to protect against psychic attacks and negative energy, and is said to support emotional healing and the release of negative patterns.

4. Amethyst: This purple stone is said to promote spiritual awareness and protection, and is believed to support the release of negative thoughts and emotions.

5. Fluorite: This multicolored stone is believed to promote mental clarity and protection against negative influences, and is said to support the immune system and the healing of physical ailments.

6. Smoky Quartz: This translucent brown stone is said to promote grounding and protection, and is believed to help release negative emotions and promote feelings of stability and security.

Crystals for Love

There are many crystals believed to have properties that can promote love and enhance relationships. Here are a few examples:

1. Rose quartz: Rose quartz is a popular crystal believed to have properties that can promote love, compassion, and emotional healing. It is often used to attract love and enhance romantic relationships, as well as to promote self-love and self-acceptance.

2. Rhodonite: Rhodonite is a calming crystal believed to have properties that can promote love and emotional healing, by helping to release negative emotions and promote forgiveness and understanding in relationships.

3. Pink tourmaline: Pink tourmaline is a gentle crystal believed to have properties that can promote love and emotional healing, by helping to release emotional pain and promote feelings of self-love, acceptance, and compassion.

4. Garnet: Garnet is a powerful crystal believed to have properties that can enhance passion, romance, and love. It is often used to attract love, promote sexual healing, and enhance intimacy in relationships.

5. Ruby: is a vibrant crystal believed to have properties that can promote love and passion, by enhancing feelings of attraction, desire, and intimacy. It is often used to enhance romantic relationships and to promote feelings of love and joy.

6. Emerald: Emerald is a luxurious crystal believed to have properties that can promote love and harmony in relationships, by enhancing communication, understanding, and emotional connection.

Crystals for Wealth

While there are no specific crystals that can guarantee wealth or financial success, there are some crystals that are believed to have properties that can help attract abundance and prosperity. Here are a few examples:

1. Citrine: Citrine is a bright, sunny crystal believed to have properties that can attract wealth and abundance. It is often used to promote financial success and prosperity, and to enhance creativity and self-confidence.

2. Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a powerful crystal believed to have properties that can attract abundance and good luck. It is often used to promote financial success, as well as to enhance emotional healing and overall well-being.

3. Pyrite: Pyrite is a shimmering crystal believed to have properties that can attract wealth and abundance, as well as to protect against financial loss. It is often used to promote financial success, as well as to enhance physical energy and vitality.

4. Jade: Jade is a luxurious crystal believed to have properties that can attract abundance and prosperity, as well as to promote emotional healing and overall well-being. It is often used to promote financial success, as well as to enhance physical beauty and vitality.

5. Clear Quartz: is a versatile crystal believed to have properties that can amplify energy and attract abundance. It is often used to promote financial success, as well as to enhance spiritual growth and overall well-being.

Crystals for Good Luck

Many crystals are believed to have properties that can attract good luck and positive energy. Here are a few examples:

1. Jade: Jade is a luxurious crystal believed to have properties that can attract good luck and prosperity. It is often used to promote emotional healing and overall well-being, as well as to enhance physical beauty and vitality.

2. Tiger's Eye: Tiger's Eye is a protective crystal believed to have properties that can attract good luck and positive energy. It is often used to promote emotional healing and balance, as well as to enhance physical energy and vitality.

3. Pyrite: Pyrite is a shimmering crystal believed to have properties that can attract good luck and positive energy, as well as to protect against negative energy and financial loss. It is often used to promote confidence and self-esteem, as well as to enhance physical energy and vitality.

4. Clear Quartz: is a versatile crystal believed to have properties that can amplify energy and attract good luck and positive energy. It is often used to promote spiritual growth and overall well-being, as well as to enhance the properties of other crystals.

5. Green Aventurine: Green aventurine is a powerful crystal believed to have properties that can attract good luck and positive energy. It is often used to promote emotional healing and overall well-being, as well as to enhance physical energy and vitality.

Summary of Crystals and their Meanings

Crystals are believed to have healing properties that can help promote physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. The use of crystals for healing is based on traditional and esoteric practices, and is not scientifically proven.

Different types of crystals are believed to have different properties and energies, and can be used for various healing purposes such as promoting relaxation, reducing stress, enhancing creativity, promoting emotional healing, and boosting physical energy.

While the use of crystals for healing should not be a replacement for conventional medical treatment, many people find them to be a helpful complement to other forms of therapy and self-care.



Lisa is a Reiki Master, Certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, and trained in the Bengston Energy Healing Method. Lisa is also a Certified Life coach and currently in her second year of graduate school for a Master of Social Work to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

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