Suit of Wands: A Journey with the Fool


Apr 15, 2023

Suit of Wands: A Journey with the Fool

Table of Contents

Suit of Wands

Along the Fool's path to self discovery he meets many different people representing the Suit of Wands cards. His first meeting is with someone named "the Keeper of Wands". The Keeper of Wands joins the Fool on his journey. The Keeper explains the strengths and weaknesses of the Suit of Wands and how the cards relate to love, career, and finances. Finally, the Keeper introduces the Fool to the 14 Suit of Wands who each give them one of their own wands to carry the wisdom of the cards with them.

The Fool Meets the Keeper of Wands

As the Fool walks through the mystical land, he suddenly sees a figure in the distance, holding a wand that glows with a bright light. Intrigued, the Fool approaches the figure, who introduces himself as the Keeper of the Wands.

The Keeper of the Wands tells the Fool that the Suit of Wands represents creativity, passion, and inspiration. He explains that the Wands are the driving forces behind all action and that they have the power to ignite our passions and spark our creativity.

The Fool feels a sense of excitement as he hears the Keeper of the Wands speak. He knows that he is about to embark on a journey of discovery and creativity.

Strengths of the Suit of Wands

As the Fool and the Keeper start their journey, the Keeper explains the strength of the Suit of Wands tarot cards.

The Keeper tells the Fool "the Suit of Wands is associated with the element of fire, which represents passion, creativity, and energy," he says. "This powerful energy can inspire you to take action and pursue your dreams."

As the Keeper speaks, the Fool feels a sense of excitement and motivation stirring within him.

"The wands also represent the power of intuition," the Keeper continues. "By listening to your inner guidance, you can make confident decisions and take bold action towards achieving your goals."

The Fool nods, understanding the importance of trusting his intuition.

"The Suit of Wands is a symbol of transformation and growth," the Keeper adds. "By embracing new opportunities and experiences, you can let go of old habits and patterns and create a brighter future for yourself."

The Fool feels a sense of hope and determination filling him as he listens to the Keeper's wise words. He knows that with the strength of the Suit of Wands behind him, he can overcome any obstacle and achieve his dreams.

The Keeper goes on to tell the Fool that although there are many strengths with the Suit of Wands the cards also have their weaknesses.

Weaknesses of the Suit of Wands

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool continue along their path and the Keeper notices the Fool wandering through the enchanted forest with a confused and anxious expression.

The Keeper asks the Fool "why do you seem confused and worried?" The Fool replies "I feel I haven't progressed towards my goals, despite feeling passionate and energized about them". The Keeper of Wands nods empathetically, understanding the struggles that can come with the Suit of Wands.

The Keeper says "the Suit of Wands is a powerful and dynamic energy, but it can also have its weaknesses," he explains. "The fire energy can sometimes lead to impulsive actions or reckless behavior, which can cause setbacks and delays in achieving your goals."

The Fool nods, realizing that his impulsive actions may have hindered his progress.

"Another weakness of the Suit of Wands is the potential for burnout," the Keeper continues. "When you are constantly in a state of high energy and passion, it can be difficult to maintain that level of intensity for long periods of time. This can lead to exhaustion and a lack of motivation."

The Fool nods again, realizing that he has been neglecting his own self-care in his pursuit of his goals.

"Finally, the Suit of Wands can sometimes lead to conflicts or power struggles," the Keeper concludes. "When everyone is pursuing their own passions and desires, it can be difficult to find common ground or compromise. It's important to approach situations with a level head and be willing to work together towards a shared goal."

The Fool thanks the Keeper for his guidance and insight, realizing that while the Suit of Wands can be a powerful force, it's important to balance it with self-care and collaboration with others.

The Suit of Wands with Love

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool continue on their path. While they are walking the Fool shares he has been struggling with matters of the heart, feeling unsure and insecure about his feelings.

The Keeper nodded, understanding that the Suit of Wands can be a tricky energy to navigate when it comes to matters of love.

"In the upright position," the Keeper began, "the Suit of Wands represents the fiery passion and creativity that can be channeled into a loving relationship. It represents the excitement and adventure that comes with exploring new connections, and the courage to take risks in pursuit of true love."

The Fool listenintently, realizing that the Suit of Wands could offer him guidance in his own love life.

"However," the Keeper continued, "in the reverse position, the Suit of Wands can represent a lack of commitment or a tendency towards impulsive decisions in matters of the heart. It can represent conflicts or power struggles in relationships, and a need for balance and communication."

The Fool felt a pang of recognition in his own past behaviors, realizing that he had been guilty of impulsive decisions and lack of communication in his own relationships.

The Keeper then offered the Fool guidance on how to use the energy of the Suit of Wands to his advantage in matters of the heart, encouraging him to focus on his passions and creativity in pursuing meaningful connections. He also emphasized the importance of balance and communication, reminding the Fool that relationships require effort and commitment.

The Suit of Wands with Career

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool are journeying through the mystical land, discussing the various meanings of the tarot cards. As they walk, the Keeper begins to explain to the Fool the significance of the Suit of Wands in relation to career.

"The Suit of Wands represents passion, creativity, and ambition," the Keeper says. "In the upright position, the cards can indicate a successful career path that is aligned with one's passions and goals. It can signify a period of growth, advancement, and progress in one's chosen field."

The Fool nods, listening intently. "And what about the reverse position?" he asks.

"In the reverse position, the Suit of Wands can indicate a lack of direction, burnout, or a misalignment with one's passions and goals," the Keeper explains. "It can signify a need for introspection and a reassessment of one's career path. It can also indicate a period of stagnation or setbacks."

The Fool takes a moment to reflect on the Keeper's words. "So, in essence, the Suit of Wands is all about finding fulfillment and success in one's career by following one's passions and staying true to oneself," he says.

"Exactly," the Keeper responds with a smile. "It's about tapping into one's creativity and ambition, and using them to fuel a career that brings joy and satisfaction. Remember, the key to success is not just about what you do, but how you do it."

The Suit of Wands with Finances

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool have been traveling together for weeks, journeying through the mystical land and exploring the world of Tarot. As they sit by the fire one evening, the Fool turns to the Keeper of Wands and asks about the meaning of the suit of wands in relation to finances.

The Keeper of Wands takes a deep breath and begins to explain. "The suit of wands is often associated with creativity, inspiration, and action. When it comes to finances, this can be both a strength and a weakness."

"In the upright position, the suit of wands can indicate a time of financial growth and abundance. It suggests that now is the time to take action, to make bold moves, and to pursue your passions with courage and determination. It's a time to think outside the box and take risks that could lead to financial success."

"But in the reverse position, the suit of wands can indicate financial instability or a lack of direction. It suggests that you may be feeling stuck, unsure of how to move forward or what steps to take. It's important to focus on finding your passions and using them to guide you towards financial security."

The Fool nods thoughtfully, taking in the Keeper's words. "So, it's all about taking action and using creativity to find financial success?"

"Exactly," says the Keeper of Wands. "The suit of wands is a reminder that success in finances comes not just from hard work, but from taking calculated risks and staying true to your passions and values."

The Keeper introduces the Fool to the 14 Suit of Wands Tarot Cards

Along their path the Keeper and the Fool start meeting different characters representing each of the Suit of Wands cards.

Ace of Wands

The Keeper suddenly stops in front of a lone wand standing tall in the ground. The Keeper explains to the Fool that this is the Ace of Wands, the most powerful of all the wands, and represents the beginning of a new creative journey.

The Fool gazes upon the wand, feeling a spark of inspiration and passion ignite within him. The Keeper encourages the Fool to take hold of the Ace of Wands, and as he does, he feels a surge of energy and creativity flow through him.

The Fool begins to feel a new sense of purpose and excitement, eager to explore this new creative path that the Ace of Wands has shown him.

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Two of Wands

The Fool and the Keeper of Wands next meet a man standing atop a tall castle wall, gazing out into the distance. The man turns to face them, holding two wands in his hands.

The Keeper introduces the man as the Two of Wands, the protector of choices and decisions. The Fool is intrigued and begins to ask questions about the Two of Wands' role.

The Two of Wands explains that every journey requires choices, and that each choice has the power to shape the journey ahead. The Two of Wands then presents the Fool with the two wands in his hands, offering him a choice between the path he is currently on and a new path that he has yet to explore.

The Fool hesitates, feeling unsure of which path to choose. The Two of Wands encourages him to trust his intuition and to embrace the power of choice.

The Fool takes a deep breath and makes his decision, choosing the wand that represents the new path. 

The Two of Wands nods in approval, acknowledging the Fool's courage to make a choice. He reminds the Fool that every choice has the power to shape the journey ahead, but that ultimately, it is up to him to decide where his path will lead.

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Three of Wands

Thereafter, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands carry on and come across a man standing at the edge of a cliff, looking out to the vast horizon. The man turns to face them, holding three wands in his hands.

The Keeper introduces the man as the Three of Wands, the defender of vision and expansion. The Fool is curious and begins to ask questions about the Three of Wands.

The Three of Wands explains that every journey requires a vision, and that it is up to the Fool to envision what he wants to create and manifest it into reality. He then presents the Fool with the three wands in his hands, urging him to expand his vision and look beyond the limitations of his current situation.

The Fool takes the wands, feeling a sense of excitement and wonder. He begins to foresee a life filled with creativity and passion, a life that he never thought was possible before.

The Three of Wands nods in approval, acknowledging the Fool's ability to visualize his dreams. He reminds the Fool that every vision requires action and that it is up to him to take the necessary steps to make his dreams a reality.

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Four of Wands

After meeting the Three of Wands, the Fool and the Keeper venture to meet a woman named the Four of Wands.

The Keeper explains that the Four of Wands represents a time of celebration and harmony, a time to come together with loved ones and celebrate the fruits of one's labor. The Four of Wands shows the Fool an image of a group of people dancing and celebrating under a canopy of flowers and ribbons.

The Fool is intrigued and asks how he can manifest such joy and celebration in his own life. The Four of Wands explains that the key is to honor the relationships and partnerships in his life, and to take time to celebrate his achievements and accomplishments.

The Four of Wands presents the Fool with a wand, urging him to use its power to create harmony and joy in his life. She reminds him that the Four of Wands represents a time of abundance and joy, and that it is up to him to manifest this energy into his life.

The Fool takes the wand, feeling a sense of empowerment and inspiration. He begins to think of a life filled with celebration and harmony, where he is surrounded by loved ones and honored for his hard work and dedication.

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Five of Wands

Then, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands come across a group of people engaged in a fierce battle with each other. The Keeper identifies the group as the Five of Wands, the warden of conflict and competition.

The Fool is taken aback by the intensity of the situation and asks the Keeper why there is so much conflict. The Keeper explains that sometimes, people get caught up in competition and forget to see the bigger picture.

The Fool watches as the Five of Wands continue to fight and bicker with each other, seemingly oblivious to the harm they are causing. The Five of Wands stops his fighting to present the Fool with a wand, urging him to use its power to bring peace and harmony to the situation.

The Fool takes the wand, feeling a sense of responsibility and power. He approaches the group of people and begins to speak to them, reminding them of the bigger picture and the importance of working together towards a common goal.

Slowly but surely, the group begins to listen, and the intensity of the situation begins to dissipate. The Five of Wands stop fighting and begin to work together, recognizing the importance of cooperation and teamwork.

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Six of Wands

Afterwards, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands continue and see a grand parade in the distance. As they approach the parade, they realize that the Six of Wands is leading the procession. The Keeper of Wands introduces the Fool to the Six of Wands, who is a powerful and confident woman.

The Six of Wands is adorned in a regal robe and is being cheered on by a crowd of people. She is holding a wand with a laurel wreath wrapped around it, a symbol of victory and success.

The Fool watches in awe as the Six of Wands continues to lead the parade with grace and confidence. The Keeper of Wands explains that the Six of Wands represents victory and success, and the Six of Wands is the embodiment of those qualities.

The Six of Wands approaches the Fool and hands him a wand, telling him that he too can achieve great success and victory in his life. She reminds him that success is not achieved alone, but through the support and encouragement of others.

The Fool takes the wand, feeling a sense of determination and confidence. He watches as the Six of Wands continues to lead the parade, feeling inspired by her confidence and grace.

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Seven of Wands

Later, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands come across a man standing at the top of a hill, holding a wand in his hand. The Keeper of Wands recognizes him as the Seven of Wands.

The Seven of Wands stands tall and strong, with a look of determination on his face. The Fool and the Keeper of Wands approach him, curious about his stance.

The Seven of Wands explain that he represents the need to defend oneself against opposition and obstacles. He tells them that he is standing his ground and defending his position, despite the challenges he faces.

The Fool and the Keeper of Wands listen intently, impressed by the Seven of Wands' strength and courage. They ask if there is anything they can do to help him in his defense.

The Seven of Wands thanks them for their offer, but tells them that this is a battle he must face on his own. He reminds them that sometimes we must stand up for ourselves and fight for what we believe in.

As the Fool and the Keeper of Wands continue on their journey, they reflect on the lesson they learned from the Keeper of the Seven of Wands. They realize that sometimes, the greatest battles we face are those that we fight within ourselves. They feel inspired to stand up for what they believe in and defend their own positions in life.

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Eight of Wands

As the Fool and the Keeper of Wands journey through the mystical land, they come across a young woman standing in a field with eight wands in her hand. The Keeper of Wands recognizes her as the Eight of Wands.

The Keeper of Wands approaches her, and the Eight of Wands greets him with a warm smile. The Keeper of Wands asks her about her wands and their meaning.

The Eight of Wands explains that the Eight of Wands represents swift and sudden progress, as well as the need to seize opportunities as they arise. She tells them that she has been blessed with great opportunities in her life, and she has learned to take advantage of them.

The Fool approaches her, curious about her success. The Eight of Wands explains that her success is due to her ability to act quickly and decisively, to trust her intuition, and to take risks when necessary.

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool listen intently, realizing that they too must be open to new opportunities and be willing to take risks. They understand that sometimes success requires swift action, and they must trust their intuition to guide them.

As the Eight of Wands prepares to continue on her journey, she offers the Fool and the Keeper of Wands one of her wands as a symbol of hope and inspiration. They graciously accept the gift, feeling a renewed sense of energy and determination.

With their new wand in hand and their spirits lifted, they journey forward, ready to embrace any opportunity that comes their way and make swift progress towards their goals.

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Nine of Wands

As the Fool and the Keeper of Wands continue on their journey, they come across a lone figure standing in the middle of the forest. The Keeper of Wands recognizes the figure as the Nine of Wands.

The Keeper of Wands approaches her, and the Nine of Wands greets him with a serious expression. The Keeper of Wands asks her about her wand and its meaning.

The Nine of Wands explains that the Nine of Wands represents resilience and perseverance, as well as the ability to overcome challenges and emerge stronger. She tells them that she has faced many obstacles in her life, but she has learned to overcome them through sheer determination and willpower.

The Fool is impressed by her resilience and asks her for advice on how to become more resilient. The Nine of Wands explains that resilience comes from within, and that it requires a deep sense of self-belief and courage.

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool listen intently, realizing that they too must cultivate their inner strength and resilience in order to overcome their own challenges. They understand that sometimes life can be difficult, but with the right mindset and attitude, they can emerge stronger and more capable.

As the Nine of Wands prepares to continue on her journey, she offers the Fool and the Keeper of Wands one of her wands as a symbol of resilience and inner strength. They gratefully accept the gift, feeling inspired and empowered.

With their new wand in hand and their spirits lifted, they journey forward, ready to face any challenges that come their way with a newfound sense of determination and resilience.

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The Ten of Wands

The sun blazes down upon the Keeper of Wands and the Fool as they make their way through the wilderness, following the path that the cards have laid out before them. As they trek further into the forest, the air grows thick with humidity and the sound of buzzing insects fills their ears.

Finally, they arrive at a clearing where the Ten of Wands stands waiting for them. The Keeper of Wands steps forward and greets the Ten of Wands with a nod of respect.

"Welcome, Ten of Wands," he says. "We have come seeking your guidance on this journey."

The Ten of Wands looks at the Keeper of Wands and the Fool with a stern expression. "You seek to bear great burdens," he says. "But do you have the strength to carry them?"

The Keeper of Wands nods thoughtfully. "We understand the challenges that lie ahead," he replies. "But we are willing to face them."

The Ten of Wands nods, satisfied with the response. "Very well," he says.

The Ten of Wands explains that he represents the burden of responsibility, overwork, and exhaustion. He tells them that he has taken on too much responsibility in his life, and now he is struggling to carry the weight of his obligations.

The Fool approaches him, offering to help carry some of the weight. The Ten of Wands declines, explaining that he must carry the burden himself and see it through to the end.

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool listen intently, realizing the importance of not taking on more than one can handle. They understand that sometimes it's necessary to say no and prioritize self-care.

As the Ten of Wands prepares to continue on his journey, he offers the Fool and the Keeper of Wands one of his wands as a symbol of strength and perseverance. They graciously accept the gift, feeling a deep respect for the Ten of Wands and his determination.

With their new wand in hand and a newfound understanding of responsibility, they journey forward, ready to take on the challenges of life with a balanced approach and a renewed sense of determination.

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Page of Wands

As the Keeper of Wands and the Fool journey through the mystical land, they come across a young man standing in the middle of a clearing. The Keeper of Wands recognizes him as the Page of Wands.

The Keeper of Wands approaches the man, and the Page of Wands greets him with a bright smile. The Keeper of Wands asks him about his wand and its meaning.

The Page of Wands explains that his wand represents creativity, passion, and a willingness to take risks. He tells them that he's always had a love for the creative arts and has been pursuing his passion for some time.

The Fool approaches him, curious about his creative abilities. The Page of Wands explains that creativity is something that comes from within and is a reflection of one's innermost desires and passions. He tells them that to truly be creative, one must be open to new experiences, embrace their unique perspective, and be willing to take risks.

The Keeper of Wands and the Fool listen intently, realizing that creativity is essential to a fulfilling life. They understand that by embracing their unique perspective and passions, they can unlock their own creative potential.

As the Page of Wands prepares to continue on his journey, he offers the Fool and the Keeper of Wands one of his wands as a symbol of inspiration. They graciously accept the gift, feeling a renewed sense of creativity and passion.

With their new wand in hand and their spirits lifted, they journey forward, ready to embrace their creativity and passions with open hearts and minds.

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Knight of Wands

The Fool and the Keeper move forward to meet more people to teach them about the power of the wands. Their path eventually leads them to the Knight of Wands, a dashing and fearless figure who stands tall atop a fiery steed. His bright red hair dances in the wind like flames, and his eyes gleam with the promise of adventure. "Welcome, Keeper of Wands and Fool," he greets them with a warm, confident smile. "I have been expecting you."

The Knight of Wands then reveals a second wand, one that seems to resonate with the very essence of the Fool. The wand is adorned with a radiant gemstone that appears to contain the very spark of life. He hands it to the Fool, who hesitates for a moment, glancing at the Keeper of Wands for reassurance.

With a nod of approval from the Keeper, the Fool accepts the wand, and a surge of energy courses through his being. The Knight of Wands smiles knowingly, pleased to have fulfilled his role in the Fool's journey.

With newfound confidence, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands express their gratitude to the Knight and continue on their path, eager to face the challenges and adventures that await them. As they journey through the mystical land, the Fool begins to unlock the powers within himself, skillfully wielding the magic of his new wand under the watchful eye of the Keeper.

Together, the Keeper of Wands and the Fool overcome countless obstacles, their combined strength proving to be a formidable force. The Fool, once a novice in the ways of magic, gradually transforms into a knowledgeable and capable companion, his wand now an emblem of his growth and determination.

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Queen of Wands

Their next mission is to meet the Queen of Wands, a powerful and enigmatic ruler who is said to possess the means to unveil the Fool's hidden talents. As the Fool and Keeper wander through the breathtaking landscapes, the sun casts a warm, golden light upon their path, inviting them to embrace the adventure that lies ahead.

Their path eventually leads them to the resplendent palace of the Queen of Wands, a beautiful and awe-inspiring structure nestled amidst lush, blossoming gardens. As they approach, the Queen emerges, a commanding figure with flowing golden hair and eyes that flicker like candlelight. At her side is a graceful black cat, its eyes gleaming with a mysterious wisdom. "Welcome, Keeper of Wands and Fool," she greets them warmly, her voice resonating with authority and compassion. "I have been expecting you."

The Queen of Wands then presents a second wand to the Fool, one that seems to hum with a hidden power, as if concealing a secret yet to be revealed. The wand is wrapped in vines and adorned with a luminescent moonstone, which radiates a serene, otherworldly energy. The Fool hesitates for a moment, looking to the Keeper of Wands for reassurance.

With an encouraging nod from the Keeper, the Fool accepts the wand, and a surge of energy washes over him. The Queen of Wands smiles knowingly, pleased to have played a role in the Fool's destiny, while the black cat watches intently, its eyes following the Fool's every move.

With newfound determination, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands express their gratitude to the Queen and her feline companion, and continue on their journey, eager to face the adventures and challenges that await them. As they explore the magical realm, the Fool begins to unlock the powers within himself, skillfully harnessing the magic of his new wand under the watchful eye of the Keeper.

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King of Wands

The Keeper and the Fool have one final stop and that is to meet the King of Wands, a noble and enigmatic ruler who holds the key to unlocking the Fool's latent potential. As they traverse the vivid and ever-changing landscapes, it leads them to the grand palace of the King of Wands, a majestic and awe-inspiring fortress surrounded by a moat of shimmering, golden flames.

As they approach, the King emerges from the palace, a regal figure with a mane of fiery red hair and eyes that smolder with intensity. He sits upon an ornate throne adorned with salamanders, which represent transformation and the ability to navigate through the fires of life with grace and wisdom. The King's cape, embellished with images of lions, symbolizes courage, strength, and the power to lead.

"Welcome, Keeper of Wands and Fool," the King greets them, his voice a blend of authority and warmth. "I have been expecting you."

The King of Wands then presents a unique wand to the Fool, one that seems to pulse with a vibrant, untamed energy. The wand is forged from an ancient, gnarled branch, and at its tip rests a mesmerizing crystal that swirls with the colors of the cosmos. The Fool hesitates, glancing at the Keeper of Wands for guidance.

With a reassuring nod from the Keeper, the Fool accepts the wand, and a surge of energy courses through his being. The King of Wands smiles with approval, pleased to have bestowed this gift upon the deserving Fool.

As their quest reaches its conclusion, the Fool and the Keeper of Wands express their gratitude to the King and prepare to part ways. The Fool, now equipped with his powerful new wand, is ready to embark on a journey of his own, while the Keeper of Wands recognizes that it is time for him to guide and mentor others who may cross his path.

With a fond farewell, the Keeper of Wands and the Fool embrace, acknowledging the bond they have forged and the lessons they have learned. And as they each set out on their respective paths, they know that their greatest adventure has been the shared experience of their extraordinary journey.

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The Fool's Journey continues...

Although the Fool and Keeper of Wands part ways, the Fool has obtained profound wisdom through all of the Keeper introduces him to. Howver, the Fool still has many more people to meet.

The Fool started his journey by meeting the Major Acana tarot cards and continues his path to knowledge by meeting other Keepers such as the Keeper of the Suit of Cups, the Keeper of the Suit of Swords, and the Keeper of the Suit of Pentacles. These individuals will guide the Fool to finally meet all of the 78 tarot cards.

The Fool uses his guidance and new found freedom to choose a tarot deck and formulate questions to ask the tarot. He learns of the importance of setting up his altar to do tarot readings and cleansing his cards.

The Fool also remembers the importance of learning about different tarot spreads and using the free tarot readings to gain instant interpretations from his tarot spreads.

The Fool too knows the significance of keeping a tarot diary in order to write down the insights he gains from each of his tarot readings as he ventures to reach enlightenment.



Lisa is a Reiki Master, Certified Neurolinguistic Programming (NLP) Practitioner, and trained in the Bengston Energy Healing Method. Lisa is also a Certified Life coach and currently in her second year of graduate school for a Master of Social Work to become a Licensed Clinical Social Worker.

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