I am dedicated to realizing my dreams.
The Page of Pentacles is a young person who is practical, hardworking, and diligent. They are eager to learn and to apply their knowledge to achieve their goals. This card is associated with the element of Earth, which represents materiality, practicality, and stability. The Page of Pentacles is often seen as a messenger of good news, particularly when it comes to matters of finance, business, or career. They are reliable, responsible, and focused on their objectives.
Ambition, Desire, Manifestation, Opportunity
Planning, Learning, Goal Setting, Taking Action
Dedication, Loyalty, Doldrums, Steady Progress
Good News, Rewards, Research, Good Habits
In a reading, the Page of Pentacles can indicate a new opportunity that requires dedication and hard work. It can also suggest that the querent needs to adopt a practical and disciplined approach to their current situation in order to achieve their desired outcome. On the flip side, the reversed Page of Pentacles can suggest laziness, lack of motivation, and an inability to follow through on commitments. It may indicate that the querent needs to take a more disciplined approach to their work or that they are not putting in the effort required to achieve their goals.
Learning From Failure, Irresponsibility, Limited Prospects, Immaturity
Procrastination, Lack Of Focus, Missed Opportunities
Indecisiveness, Lack Of Commitment, Unrealistic Expectations
Financial Irresponsibility, Naivety, And Missed Investments
A youthful figure, looking intently at the pentacle which hovers over his raised hands. He moves slowly, insensible of that which is about him.